2023-05-07 Bookworm Video Podcast
It’s late at night, and my dyslexic tongue is stumbling, but I think I made sense with my look at some of the week’s news.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
It’s late at night, and my dyslexic tongue is stumbling, but I think I made sense with my look at some of the week’s news.
Continue readingIt’s unquestioned that IQ scores are dropping in the West, but I think there’s more to it than screen time. Educational trends and culture matter too. The West is losing IQ points. Daniel Hannan points to a disturbing reality in the modern world – we’re getting more stupid. Western IQ
Continue readingThe June Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a strengthening economy, particularly good for minorities. The DNC calls it “reckless.” After eight years of a moribund economy under Obama, an eight year stretch that was particularly hard on minorities, it is indeed good to see an increasing number
Continue readingI want to help inner city residents and minorities learn that the Democrats are not their friends — and that Trump is. I’ve tried to do so in this letter. Dear Inner City Residents and Minorities Who Relentlessly Vote Democrat: If you look at economic numbers for the years from
Continue readingIn a fiercely fought election, one in which the party holding power has failed in every metric, this is how you do a political ad informing a bloc-voting ethnic group that their chosen political party has betrayed them:
Continue readingHere in Marin, children grow up in very politically correct homes. It would be the rare household in which kids here racist comments from their parents. Also, here in Marin, kids grow up with Hispanic housekeepers and gardeners, most of whom have an incredible work ethic. They show up, and they
Continue readingI do believe that this is one of Sowell’s best articles ever. It’s a very simple one, really, as his articles so often are. This one looks at the way black and Hispanic leaders have sown hopelessness amongst the young they claim to lead and definitely influence. It made me
Continue readingAs is often the case with my brain, I need to mull over things sometimes to decide what I think about them. Such is the case with Jason Richwine, the Heritage Foundation scholar who was driven out when it was discovered that his thesis (which passed inspection at Harvard) reached
Continue readingI assume that you all know by know that President Obama has issued an executive order granting amnesty to young illegal immigrants. It’s a clever move. Marco Rubio had already proposed something similar, so Obama can say that at least some smart Republicans are already on board with the idea.
Continue readingI think this is a good ad. I’m just wondering if they have a Spanish language version:
Continue readingThe Washington Post is warning Republican senators not to be mean to poor Judge Sotomayor. It’s a funny (inadvertently funny) article, because the Post editors acknowledge that Obama was anything but gracious when he was a Senator; then they explain why, even though he wasn’t gracious, he was right; and
Continue readingOne of the things that this election most vividly illustrated is that the lockstep political beliefs Democrats envision don’t really exist within their own party: Blacks and Hispanics turned out in droves to help power Obama into the White House, but they were the same demographic that, in California, helped
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