Category: Sweden

Swedish Ebba Akerlund illustrative of dead children terrorism and the media

[VIDEO] When it comes to the media and dead children, some children are more equal than others

Two British journalists speak bluntly about the fact that our media is forcing us to care more about the enemy’s dead children than about our own. Paul Joseph Watson, who should have a bigger, better, less conspiracy-oriented venue than Alex Jones’ InfoWars, has published his most recent video, this time

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Mob Illustrated edition post-election counting

The Bookworm Beat 6/2/16 — the quick round-up edition and open thread

I’m doing actual legal work today, but I want to clear my spindle before it gets completely out of control. Here goes, a quick, down-and-dirty round-up: President Trump? Scott Adams has pretty much nailed everything that’s happened so far in this election, at least when it comes to Trump’s tactics

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The Bookworm Beat 3/23/16 — the “catching up” edition and open thread

Bush didn’t, Obama wouldn’t, but the next president should: Call into the Oval Office the leaders of Muslim communities throughout America to say, “Because of the First Amendment, the fact that you and the people in your community practice Islam is irrelevant to us in America. Your faith is your

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The Bookworm Beat 10-14-15 — the hot quick links edition, and open thread

So much to share with you, and so many demands on my time. I’ll make it quick, tantalizing you with short links to wonderful things: We know the other media outlets are hostile to Israel, but is it possible that Fox News is also turning on Israel? CAMERA has caught

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The Bookworm Beat 5-2-15 — the “I’ve got things to say, dammit!” edition and open thread

I spend so much of my life starting things, but never finishing them. Part of that is my core inefficiency and part of it is the fact that, although it goes sorely against my nature, my life is lived in the service of others. Even worse, those others aren’t interested

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Hey, Sweden! How’s that open immigration and PC-multiculturalism working out in your faux-socialist land?

I was cruel to a young Swede the other day when, without being at all rude, I told him unpleasant, unnerving truths about his country. First, I told him that his country never really had socialized medicine. Instead, it had “paid for by America” medicine. During the Cold War, Sweden

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The New York Times ignores the reasons why Swedes might be turning against immigrants

The New York Times ran an article the other day noting that there’s been a big change in Sweden, in that increasing numbers of ordinary Swedes are turning against the countries famously relaxed immigration policy.  I’ll let the Times explain: Opposition to the rising numbers is growing. The far-right, anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats had

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The Bookworm Beat 12/6/14 — Saturday sweep-up edition, and Open Thread

A cold has been making the rounds in my neighborhood and it finally caught up with me. I don’t feel particularly ill, but I feel congested and quite desperately sleepy. I had a great deal to do today, and mostly managed to re-read Agatha Christie’s Mrs. McGinty’s Dead, which wasn’t

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Swedish Muslims increasingly radicalized — despite Sweden’s pandering

Despite’s the Swedish government’s decision to recognize a Palestinian state (“We Swedes love Islam!”), not to mention Sweden’s amazingly generous welfare benefits, Sweden’s Muslims are checking out of the country. That’s the good news. The bad news? They’re heading to Syria and Iraq to fight on behalf of the most

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