Tag: Jonathan Gruber

The moral lessons that Jonathan Gruber could have learned from a brain-damaged man

Trey Gowdy conduct a masterful examination of MIT Prof. Jonathan “Stupid Americans” Gruber.  What made it so good was that he had Gruber repeatedly offer the canned defense that he (Gruber) was arrogant, stupid, and ill-informed.  That defense might have flown once but, when a formerly boastful MIT professor said it over

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The Bookworm Beat (11/21/14) — The imperial presidency edition (plus illustrations and Open Thread)

I keep meaning to write something profound about what happened to our country yesterday, only to discover that other, much better writers and thinkers already got there before I did. I’ll just summarize by saying that Obama behaved illegally, unconstitutionally, and undemocratically.  Having said that, of course, the really important

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The Bookworm Beat (11/15/14) — Time warp edition (and Open Thread)

Why is this a “time warp edition”? Because even though I’m publishing it on Saturday, I actually wrote it on Friday. The reason delayed publishing is because I’m spending all day Saturday attending part II of my CERT training. I expect the training to be more of the same stuff as last

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The Bookworm Beat (11/14/14) — Emptying the inbox (and Open Thread)

No thoughts today, either profound or self-centered. Just a burning desire to share with you all the wonderful things that come my way: Dr. Jonathan Gruber — the gift that keeps on giving It seems as if every conservative writing is churning out good stuff about what Gruber said, who he

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