Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

Bookworm Beat 10/15/19: Warren, Modern Art, Project Veritas, LGBT craziness and more

Elizabeth Warren’s hubris, the decline of Modern Art, Project Veritas videos, radical LGBTQ and the church, and urban Leftism — it’s all discussed here. (This is a companion post to the No. 24 Bookworm Podcast which I uploaded yesterday. The content is mostly the same, although not identical. It won’t

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Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

Bookworm Beat 5/7/19 — the Vanishing Conservatives on Social Media edition

There are reasons for you to be very afraid of the social media crackdown on conservatives (even fringe ones), plus other scary stuff in today’s world. Democrats prepare for 2020 by silencing conservatives.  If I had to identify the scariest news today, it would be Twitter’s purge of conservatives, which

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West Hollywood

West Hollywood government sponsors anti-Israel propaganda

West Hollywood government cannot censor citizens but it should certainly censor itself from showing a blatantly anti-Semitic film. The First Amendment prevents American governments from censoring citizens, no matter how vile the ideas those citizens may advance. There are some limitations that I won’t discuss here, but (thankfully) free speech in

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