Tag: Passover

Happy Passover!

Dennis Prager explains why, although Passover is a Jewish celebration, it nevertheless has important (and very positive) worldwide meaning: Happy Passover! Image: A man reciting a blessing over a cup of wine at a Passover Seder in the Warsaw Ghetto, Poland (cropped). Yad Vashem collection.

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Passover: the nature of tyranny never changes but freedom is worth the fight

Passover tells us that tyrants fall only when revolution affects them directly and that revolutions are successful only when focused on individual liberty. Passover, which begins tonight, is about so many things: the Jewish people’s renewed covenant with God; their escape from slavery; the journey that ended with the Ten

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Passover Charlton Heston as Moses

The news from North Korea reminds is that Passover is always relevant

Trump’s decision to change the paradigm with North Korea illustrates the precept in my annual Passover post: Tyrannies must be decapitated, not placated. Starting with Bill Clinton, America fawned over North Korea’s tyrannical rulers, sending them money and promising not to hurt them. In those same years, North Korea’s rulers

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Passover -- the final plague

Passover 5778 — In a dangerous world, a more relevant holiday than ever

Tonight marks the beginning of Passover 5778. Donald Trump’s targeted attack on Syria indicates that he understands the import of this timeless story. In mid-2009, a few months into Barack Obama’s presidency, Iran had its Green Revolution, when tens of thousands of brave Iranians took to the streets in Tehran

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Screen shot of missile strike Trump ordered

Dayenu, President Trump! For each thing you’ve done, it would have been enough

As Passover nears, it’s time to take stock of the wonderful things President Trump has done, each of which, on its own, should please conservatives. Dayenu! Passover is around the corner and I have an ear worm: The Passover song Dayenu. The Hebrew word “Dayenu” (דַּיֵּנוּ) means “it would have been enough,”

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Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

The Bookworm Beat 4/21/16 — a round-up and open thread

My take on the decision to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 in place of Andrew Jackson?  I find all this change and revisionism both silly and expensive but, having said that, here’s my position:  They’re replacing the racist, slave-supporting, Indian-killing founder of the Democrat party with a gun-toting, Republican black

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The Bookworm Beat 5-26-15 — the “mad, mad, mad, mad world” edition and open thread

No time for chit-chat. I’ve got stuff to share: America’s values have turned upside down It’s a time-honored custom for older people to look at changes in the world since their youth and to bemoan those changes. I’d like to think I’m neither that rigid nor that old. There are

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