Category: Liberal Fascism

Regarding what happened at Mozilla, I yield the floor to Ben Shapiro who perfectly articulates the problem with thought-crimes

Ben Shapiro has published a post that perfectly articulates everything I want to say about the Mozilla thought-crime purge.  I therefore hope that Ben will forgive me for quoting him at some length.  After detailing the way in which Brendan Eich’s outing and subsequent destruction began with OKCupid, and then

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Three degrees of separation

I enjoy reading my Liberal-Lefty friends’ Facebook posts because they are so insightful into the mindsets of the Left. One insight that I have gained over time is that the differences between us conservatives and the Progressive/Left are so profound that they are unlikely to ever be bridged, barring some

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A) Government promiseth, B) Government taketh away!

This article that just appeared in, regarding Stockton-writ-California-writ-USA-writ-large’s pending bankruptcy, is just so absolutely jaw-dropping crazy…uh, no, wait….it isn’t really so crazy after all. Never mind. If Stockton Is Broke, Why Isn’t San Diego?: Steven Greenhut Here’s the money take-away: referencing the fact that, for the past 20

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Slouching into slavery

What the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protestors don’t realize (yet) is that they have been suckered into becoming the agents of their own enslavement. Orwell had it so right in defining the Left because he was a man of the Left. The term “Orwellian” now refers to the Left’s use

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As good a definition as I’ve ever seen of liberal versus conservative protests

Ed Morrissey discusses Roseanne Barr’s demand for the guillotine, and ends with just about the best statement I’ve ever seen about the difference between conservative and so-called liberal protests: Just remember that when conservatives organize into grassroots movements, it’s almost always about protecting their own property and individual liberty.  When

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