Month: June 2011

Women in combat

Over at Ricochet, there’s a really interesting post about women in combat, written by a former paratrooper.  The point that fascinated me was his claim that women aren’t leaders.  I’ve always defined myself as a born follower.  I’ll fill a vacuum if no one is leading, and I have no

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Must see TV

Some in the town of Grand Rapids took umbrage at being tagged as a “dying” American city in some magazine or another.  One man, who has a reputation for showmanship, raised $40,000, and got 5,000 people to participate in this amazing ONE SHOT video: [youtube][/youtube]

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I am, apparently, the proud possessor of a medieval mind

Shapiro’s book, Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV, already is one of several I’ve chosen for vacation reading.  He’s now releasing excerpts from his interviews: [youtube][/youtube] See more revealing videos here.  (And by revealing, I don’t mean underwear shots, I mean “thought”

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Palin’s bus trip

The Anchoress quite correctly identifies Palin’s bus trip as game-playing.  Palin, having been harassed unmercifully by the MSM since she burst upon the national political scene, is finally having her nyah-nyah-nyah moment.  She’s turned the tables and is now harassing the MSM, which is very satisfying.  The Anchoress suspects that

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