Category: Donald Trump

Progressives foolishly promote Richard Spencer in an effort to destroy Trump

During the primaries, Progressives pushed Donald Trump’s candidacy with a vengeance, convinced that he was the one candidate Hillary could surely beat. Moreover, if Trump did win the Republican primary, these same Progressives had a plan — which they carried out enthusiastically — to destroy Trump utterly through every Progressive outlet available,

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Bureaucrats seeking job security can be incredibly dangerous *UPDATED*

There are few things more dangerous than a collection of bureaucrats willing to stop at nothing to keep the bureaucracy alive for their own benefit. We’ve seen that here in America. Obama’s bureaucrats, knowing that the good times roll better for bureaucrats under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones, have

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Bookworm Beat 11/2/16 — the “Please Save America” edition and open thread

This is it: the countdown to learning whether Obama will have been successful in fundamentally changing America or whether we can still resurrect something from the wreckage. This is an umbrella post with a variety of articles that touch upon the election, America’s culture wars, politics generally, the Middle East,

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