Category: Free speech

American embassy in Cairo appears to embrace sharia speech codes *UPDATED*

Yes, I understand that the embassy in Cairo is besieged but it does strike me as cowardly to abandon core principles as this juncture (emphasis mine): U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement September 11, 2012 The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to

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Anti-bullying is simply another way of saying “paralyzing political correctness.”

Dan Savage made a name for himself as the face of the “anti-bullying” campaign sweeping America’s schools.  He’s gotten lots of money, lots of media face-time, and lots of access within the Obama administration because of his “peaceable” message.  Savage’s own behavior, though, makes clear that his anti-bullying message is

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#BillMaher gives a lovely example of the way the Left uses itself as the template for what’s fair

I always love it when Leftist idiocy highlights some sort of life lesson I just imparted to young people.  Today’s life lesson is that fairness should be a reasonably objective standard, rather than one that, as Bill Maher would have it, depends on whether you, personally, are benefiting from the

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Even the affable, slightly generic, left-of-center Jay Leno cannot escape the hurt feelings of the political correctness crowd

Back in the late 1980s, early 1990s, when political correctness first floated into the realm of mainstream culture, everyone thought it was the same as being nice or having good manners.  It’s not.  Good manners, to my mind, means assuring that the people around you feel comfortable.  Political correctness means

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