Category: Immigration

Post-Obama, Ted Cruz is the best candidate to repair our badly damaged Constitution

As spelled out to the credulous public, Trump’s proposal was to ban all Muslims forever. That’s a bad idea. It’s unreasonably xenophobic, and it prevents America from welcoming Muslims who are not religious zealots and who look favorably upon an open, pluralist society that respects the separation of church and state.

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Stuck on Stupid: Progressive Facebook edition (Part 2)

It’s not a very deep dive to plumb the depths of Leftist intellectual positions on most issues, but it’s still a worthwhile exercise to expose the fallacies that they use to try to dominate the debate on pressing issues — with the most pressing issue being whether to admit Syrian

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The Bookworm Beat 11-5-15 — Guy Fawkes edition, Part 2

I’ve still got a few more things I want to share with you tonight, so consider this Part 2 for the day (with Part 1 here). The coming (and inevitable) Leftist implosion Every time I read a Kevin Williamson article, I like his writing and thinking just a little bit

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The Bookworm Beat 9-8-15 — the “busy world” edition and open thread

My apologies for my blog silence yesterday. I hope to make up for it now with a substantial round-up, some of which I compiled, and some of which comes from a friend who insists on remaining anonymous: Your daily “Hillary is toast” report As you know, Hillary did a national interview —

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Obama the strong leader, Trump the unpredictable one, and the possibility of a non-strike by federal immigration workers

This is a portmanteau post, with several ideas that seemed to flow together.  It begins with today’s news that the Democ-RATS today gave Obama the veto power he needs to override the Senate’s overwhelming disapproval of his Iran Deal. This news meant that a poster that Caped Crusader sent me yesterday resonates more

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The Bookworm Beat 8-18-15 — the “Hillary is toast (and other stuff)” edition

Hillary is unfit to be president My friend Scott, the same one who wrote this excellent time line and analysis about Hillary’s criminal malfeasance, continues to follow the Hillary saga closely. In a recent email to me, he wrote: I can pretty much assure you, I and everyone else who

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The Bookworm Beat 5-4-15 — the “technology hates me” edition and open thread

My post caption to the contrary, this post has nothing to do with technology — except that technology explains why I started writing at 10:30, not 8:30. My computer apparently had a sudden yen to pretend that I had a dial-up modem and to start downloading information at speeds that

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The Bookworm Beat 4-27-15 — “not yet the Apocalypse” edition and open thread

My brain is filled with Apocalyptic imagery, but it’s not because Obama is president, the Middle East is in flames, our southern border has collapsed, our economy is stagnant, Greece may drag down Europe, and Islamist’s are resurgent everywhere. It’s actually because last night, when my work load finally showed

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Obama’s remarkable consistency when it comes to “respect”

I’m sure someone’s said it before, but Obama is remarkably consistent in his approach to everything.  For example, he believes that people who have been subject to systemic disrespect become violent or criminal.  If you show them the respect they need, they will stop behaving in that way.  He therefore believes that

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