Tag: FBI

Uranium One Nuclear warning

Dueling headlines: Uranium One and Frederica Wilson

Perhaps the most shocking thing of all about the Uranium One corruption scandal is the drive-by media’s deliberate effort to hide the story from the public. The following headlines are only a slight exaggeration. I’ve used “The Hill,” which broke the Uranium One story, as a representative of those few

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Russia Collusion Hillary Putin bribes reveal Trump Derangement Syndrome

Two reports yesterday highlight Trump Derangement Syndrome

A snapshot of Trump Derangement Syndrome: the different responses to reports about Trump’s alleged insensitivity versus Hillary’s selling America to Russia. Yesterday’s news broke two stories, one detailing massive national security infractions involving Russians during the Obama administration and one reporting the claim that Trump was insensitive to the widow

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White House lockdown slow motion assassination

Bookworm Beat 5/17/17 — the slow motion assassination of Donald Trump

A look at the bad (the media’s slow motion assassination attempt) and the good (which is that your vote for Trump was a good thing and he’s doing fine). My post title blatantly copies Scott Adams’ post today — The Slow-Motion Assassination of President Trump” target=”_blank”>The Slow-Motion Assassination of President

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Hillary gives the game away at her #Weiner #Comey press conference

During her extremely short press conference following Comey’s announcement that emails found on Huma’s and Weiner’s computer require him to re-open the investigation into Hillary’s emails, Hillary insisted that the whole story is a “rumor” and that the FBI needs to come clean with more information. Those are the two points that

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The Bookworm Beat 10/18/16 — the “Hillary sex scandal” edition and open thread

Hillary is a sex fiend who sleeps with anything that moves.  You may want to bleach your eyeballs after reading the following words, but here they are: Hillary Clinton is a secret sex freak who paid fixers to set up illicit romps with both men AND women! That’s the blockbuster revelation

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Bookworm Beat Woman Writing American Left's Fascism Russia Hoax

The Bookworm Beat 9/15/16 — the “polls they are a’changin'” edition and open thread

If Bill Clinton and Al Gore couldn’t do it, then no one can. A Leftist Facebook friend posted an article from The Hill with a lede saying that Donald Trump “floats rolling back food safety regulations.” The implication, obviously, is that in Trump’s America, we’re all going to die from

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