Tag: Jeff Sessions

The Rule of Law In Danger

Justice is supposed to be blind.  That is not the case in America today and President Trump is partly to blame. [Update:  This today from the Daily Caller: President Donald Trump chose to have the indictments of 12 Russian hackers announced before his Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin,

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Anglo-American legal system

Is Mentioning America’s “Anglo-American Heritage” Racist?

Jeff Sessions wasn’t racist for using the term “Anglo-American heritage,” but the outrageous outrage over it is progressive politics at its most disgusting. I am sure you have heard about this.  A few days ago, CNN breathlessly highlighted in a report that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a speech to the National Sheriff’s

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Russia collusion like a bad spy novel

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Trump: the Russia collusion story needs to end soon

Available facts indicate that the Progressives’ Russia Collusion narrative is fake — and time is running out to investigate the true Clinton/FBI collusion. With questions swirling around the Trump-Russian collusion narrative, we seem to be living in a John le Carré novel.  It is one full of spies where the

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Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

The Bookworm Beat 11/15/17 — the “good guys and creepy guys” edition

Today’s Bookworm Beat is about inspired people and uninspiring, even creepy, politicians. It’s not all good, but it’s all interesting. I prefer to think of myself as “helpful” rather than as a “pushover.” No matter the word, though, when certain people (children, spouse, clients, neighbors, siblings) say “jump,” my usual

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