Category: Civil War

No Forgiveness of Anheuser-Busch Without Scalps

Anheuser-Busch wants forgiveness without consequence for their embrace of Dylan Mulvaney.  Inexplicably, Donald Trump Jr. wants to give it to them. Ms. BWR wrote about the Bud Light Rebellion yesterday over the brand’s decision to partner with the fantasy-gendered obscenity that is Dylan Mulvaney. @dylanmulvaney Childhood dream unlocked ✔️ #eloise

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Dementia Joe and Civil War II, Coming To You Sometime After November 3

The progressives’ end game is to remake America and they will not tolerate losing the Presidency in November.  Win or lose, a civil war of sorts is in the offing. The only question is when? There are two Americas today, and the divide is demonstrated perfectly in this short video:

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The Rule of Law In Danger

Justice is supposed to be blind.  That is not the case in America today and President Trump is partly to blame. [Update:  This today from the Daily Caller: President Donald Trump chose to have the indictments of 12 Russian hackers announced before his Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin,

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Wolf Bytes – 23 June 2018

A lost wolf is a wherewolf The Picture. Time magazine publishes a BS photo of a young girl supposedly being separated from her mother at the border.  Now comes the minor correction. On Friday, Time published a correction saying: “The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl

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Democrats Without Honesty; Republicans Without Chests

I always expect that the progressive left will act without intellectual honesty or conscience to achieve their ends.  I did not expect the progs to be aided in their efforts by eunuchs in the Dept. of Justice.  As Andy McCarthy opines, The Justice Dept. Is Killing Trump. Everything in the public

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