Tag: Obama Lies

The Bookworm Beat 11-18-15 — “the mother of all round-ups” edition and open thread

I have been collecting links for days and will try to share them all with you. Here goes: Only conservatives are paying attention In an attempt to deflect attention of Muslim depredations in Paris, the Left and its foot soldiers (all of whom seem to be my Facebook friends) immediately

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The Bookworm Beat 2-26-15 — the evening edition and open thread

Alan Dershowitz challenges the talk about boycotting Netanyahu’s speech Read and enjoy Alan Dershowitz’s fiery denunciation of the Obama administration’s efforts to get Democrats — especially black ones — to boycott Netanyahu’s speech about the existential threat Obama’s policies pose to Israel. I won’t comment on the article — it

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Hey! Whatever happened to the reality-based community?

Do you remember how Progressives once identified themselves as “reality-based community”?  The phrase “reality-based community” actually originated from George W. Bush’s team in 2004, but the Left swiftly co-opted it.  For example, in that same election cycle, Al Gore, while campaigning for John Kerry, praised Kerry for being “a proud member

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The Bookworm Beat (11/24/14) — Monday morning mish-mash (and Open Thread)

No intro. Just diving right in here: Kevin Williams wins this week’s prize for best devastatingly honest statements about Obama Kevin Williams argues that, for all his talk of change, Obama is nothing more than a little man who has stepped into a big job and is now busy reshaping the

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The Bookworm Beat (11/21/14) — The imperial presidency edition (plus illustrations and Open Thread)

I keep meaning to write something profound about what happened to our country yesterday, only to discover that other, much better writers and thinkers already got there before I did. I’ll just summarize by saying that Obama behaved illegally, unconstitutionally, and undemocratically.  Having said that, of course, the really important

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Never argue with the crazy lady; or, why Romney had a good strategy for the third debate

We all know crazy people.  I don’t mean the kind of crazy people who believe that cats rule the world and that Satan is living in the begonia.  I mean the people with personality disorders who assiduously work to shape reality so that it matches their own warped and damaged

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