Dianne Feinstein as the living embodiment of the Democrat party
Her decline and fall seem to match the Dem party’s trajectory over the decades. Thus, she’s a caricature, not just of herself, but of her party.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Her decline and fall seem to match the Dem party’s trajectory over the decades. Thus, she’s a caricature, not just of herself, but of her party.
Continue readingI realized today that there are two perfect analogies for leftists: Primitive doggy logic and mad monarch behavior. Let me explain…. We’ve been installing new vinyl flooring over the broken, ugly tiles in the bathroom. The process requires that, after placing the board in position, you get a large mallet and
Continue readingI am exploding with pent-up posts going back two weeks, so I thought a Bookworm Beat might be the best way to do a mental download onto the blog. A good Obamagate overview. During their Russagate heyday, the leftist media had it easy because they could roll with a single
Continue readingIn America and around the world, a transnational elite postures for itself and despises the people it rules. This is a recipe for a bloody revolution. The other day, I was listening to Heather MacDonald speaking about homelessness during an appearance on City Journal’s Ten Blocks podcast. She was describing
Continue readingSan Francisco’s ubiquitous rainbow flags, symbols of alternative sexualities, made me want to rescue the rainbow from its ghetto and return it to the world. And I will establish my covenant with you [Noah], neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither
Continue readingMy California upbringing shows that people will cling to ideas long after the facts reveal those ideas are flawed — a scary thought for the 2020 election. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, one of America’s bluest of blue regions; attended UC Berkeley, which once was the
Continue readingTrump turned the debate over funding a Southern border wall into a brilliant reality show, with Pelosi and Schumer as his hapless foils . . . and much more. Funny day today, with a lot of people who are important to me needing me. That’s not to say that they are
Continue readingI’m still vibrating from the excitement of an evening hearing Mark Steyn, Victor Davis Hanson, and Steve Hayward, something I try to share in this post. Thanks to a kind friend, last night I once again had the inestimable pleasure of attending PRI’s annual gala. This year, Mark Steyn was
Continue readingLeftist responses to Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh indicate pretty strongly that they know they’re fraudulent, plus much more on current topics. On the Kavanaugh accusations, the Left’s line is “don’t ask so we won’t have to tell.” Actually, that’s not quite what Clown News Network reporter Chris Cillizza said. When
Continue readingToday’s tales of Lefty craziness have as a common denominator the double standards that infect every issue they touch, especially around Trump and Brennan. It’s only sexual assault when Trump muses about it hypothetically. I know you remember the Access Hollywood tape in which Trump said, with complete accuracy, that if
Continue readingTrump revoked John Brennan’s security clearance and Proggies went insane — and of course, they went stupid, too. All that and more in this Bookworm Beat. Apparently “honesty” and “integrity” have a different meaning inside the beltway. I was one of the millions who appreciated Admiral McRaven’s commencement speech at
Continue readingIf illegal aliens can vote for San Francisco school board members, why can’t non-resident business owners in San Francisco vote for pro-business policies? Here’s a tip if you want to look smart or, perhaps, even be smart: Hang around with smart people. I’m fortunate in that I have found smart
Continue readingThe once proud, shiny San Francisco of my youth has turned into a feces ridden hell hole thanks to unabated Leftist policies. I grew up in San Francisco. Moreover, my time in San Francisco goes back long enough that I remember when it transitioned from a working- and middle-class City,
Continue readingFor those who grew up playing San Francisco geography by asking “What neighborhood are you from?” there’s a brand new, San Francisco neighborhood to learn. San Francisco is a small city — only 49 square miles. What this means is that, when native San Franciscans meet, they always ask at
Continue readingOnce upon a time, America’s urban Democrat party machines, while corrupt, kept cities running. Kanye’s right, though, that they are irrevocably broken now. We’re all familiar with the fact that America’s worst functioning cities keep voting Democrat. It’s a truism so very true that even a Trump-hater had to concede
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