Tag: Title IX

Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

Bookworm Beat 9/1/2018: the “things we see on Saturdays” edition

This is a hodge-podge about debased funerals, corrupt investigations, stupid Leftists, Hollywood hate, and other stuff to amuse and dismay the reader. Regarding the obsequies for McCain, it’s clear that the Wellstone funeral was a warm-up. I’d like to think that ordinary Americans, rather than being moved politically by demagoguery

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Hurricanes are normal

The Bookworm Beat 9/8/17 — the Hurricanes Are Normal edition

Hurricanes are normal, but Trump Derangement Syndrome obscures that fact. Of course, those subject to TDS are deranged in other ways as well. Just look…. Before I get to the meat of this post — or, because it’s a round-up, the various meats of this post — I want to

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The misogyny behind Obama’s Title IX order re trans people in public schools — by guest blogger Lulu

I have been wondering if feminists actually care about women and sexual assault.  We have heard for years about the college rape culture and that one in five women on colleges will be raped. The feminists’ silence about the new transgender bathroom laws leaves me bewildered. After all, thousands of

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Is it the end of the world as we know it, or just a new phase in the battle for America’s soul?

I’ve had the same ten tabs open in Firefox this entire day.  I feel like a madman, trying to create order out of the chaos in my mind.  I’m convinced that there’s a thread tying together these articles, but I can’t figure out precisely what that thread is.  Maybe it’s

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