2023-05-18 Bookworm Video Podcast
On this podcast, gay activists v. gay men, crazy leftist ladies, why I don’t trust RFK, Jr., a little secret behind so-called “white” crime, and a love letter to Pete Buttigieg.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
On this podcast, gay activists v. gay men, crazy leftist ladies, why I don’t trust RFK, Jr., a little secret behind so-called “white” crime, and a love letter to Pete Buttigieg.
Continue readingWithout abortion, Democrats have nothing to offer their most fanatic followers: women. Here’s a question for you: What is behind the Democrat party’s unswerving fealty to abortion? I’ve been reminded of it recently because my travels took me to Wisconsin. I wrote about it here, so I’ll repeat only one
Continue readingThe tragedy of young women in 2022 is that they have been raised to be unpleasant and resentful.
Continue reading…Just wait until you see what the leftist “science” community has come up with as the new nomenclature for men. Biden’s proposed budget (which Chuck Schumer hopes to cram through the Senate) is bad at so many levels. Economically, it’s a pure Cloward-Piven strategy to break America. Practically, it seeks
Continue readingBear with me here, because I’ve got a weird theory about the Equality Act and the whole transwomen (i.e., fake women) thing. I am and will continue to be second to none in my assertion that there is no such thing as transgenderism — that is, wishing you were or
Continue readingThe 19th Amendment was a good idea in its time, but leftist women have become so perverted by the power it gave them, that we should seriously rethink it. People are beginning to notice that the new leaders on the left are female. As a woman myself, some might think
Continue readingWomen in combat isn’t bad only because of physical stamina and unit cohesion issues. The Three Ps (peeing, periods, and pregnancy) also militate against it. Heather MacDonald, undoubtedly one of the most brilliant conservative writers and thinkers around, has written about the military’s decision, based upon Obama administration dictates, to
Continue readingIt seems that many in today’s world share the popular perception that women nag. I argue in this post, though, that they’re often just doing their job. It’s official: UC Berkeley and Bar-Ilan University in Israel have completed a large study that proves that women are perceived as . .
Continue readingSince I left for my trip, there’s been a big to-do about the fact that David Bonderman, at an Uber board meeting, made a slightly stale, 1950s-esque joke about women: “There’s a lot of data,” Ms. Huffington said, “that shows when there’s one woman on the board it’s much more
Continue readingI blogged about the first batch of posters, aimed at the binge drinking crowd. I couldn’t make myself blog about the current batch. Fortunately, Robert Avrech did it for me. So, regarding this vile poster and the others in the series, I point to Seraphic Secret and yell out “Yeah!
Continue readingI have written often at this blog about the wise words a friend of mine told me more than a decade ago. I can no longer remember his precise words, but I can summarize them: Islam’s problem with the West, he said, boils down to sex. Muslim men are terrified
Continue readingFirst, from the NRA, a really solid video about women and guns: The point, of course, is that guns without people are simply inanimate objects. Second, an article about the use to which Palestinians put guns — training their children to kill Israelis. Guns aren’t the issue. Culture is.
Continue readingWomen voters, terrified by the Todd Akin bogeyman and promised a lifetime of free birth control, put Obama over the top in the 2012 election. Now many reap what they sowed: Frey’s situation reflects a trend in which women in the United States have been losing the government jobs they dominate
Continue readingA friend brought this to my attention:
Continue readingColorado State Rep. Joe Salazar’s ham-handed, even troglodyte, advice for campus women worried about rape came as no surprise to me. My experiences at UC Berkeley thirty-odd years ago left me fully prepared for this Leftist approach to females and true self-defense, an approach that hides both misogyny and an
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