Category: Law

Both mandatory unions and mandatory professional organizations are antithetical to Constitutional Free Speech *UPDATED*

The State Bar of California, which I have to pay into in order to practice law in the State of California, long-ago abandoned its core responsibility of ensuring that people who hold themselves out as lawyers to California citizens are at least minimally qualified.  As with all these mandatory organizations,

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Just as Obama vows to ignore federal law, the California State Bar vows to ignore state law

In ordinary times, criminals disregard the law.  In the PC Obama era, however, elected officials and state government agencies don’t have much use for the law either.  Take Obama, for example.  Contrary to the original headlines regarding Obama’s newly discovered immigration rights, Obama’s recent announcement regarding illegal immigration isn’t an

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The problem with patents

We’ve all heard and read about the fact that profiteers are stifling patents.  They buy up patents, not to encourage innovation, but to shake down people who come up with ideas they claim overlap with the patents that they’ve purchased (and that sit, unused, in their faults).  Frugal Dad came

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A case regarding citizen journalists proves, once again, that bad facts make for bad law

When I first saw the headline — “A $2.5 Million Libel Judgment Brings The Question : Are  Bloggers Journalists?” — I have to admit that I felt a bit queasy.  When I write something snide about President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or any of the other prominent Democrats I

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Maybe liberals need a linguist’s help to hide what they’re saying, not to promote it

I found the following paragraph, culled from the San Francisco Chronicle, fascinating (emphasis mine): From top congressional leaders to online activists, liberals have sought the wisdom of UC Berkeley linguistics Professor George Lakoff for years. They ask him to teach them to do something that conservatives traditionally have done better

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