Category: Parenting

Parents Have Constitutional Rights To Protect Their Children From Leftist Madness Part I

Leftist states give the government ever greater power to interfere with parenting, but legal history establishes parents’ and families’ long-standing, non-textual constitutional rights. This is a two-part series.  Part I examines whether parental rights exist in constitutional law.  Part II will examine the substance of constitutional parental rights. With the

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Children on dangerous playground equipment 1920-1940

Our children are attractive targets because they don’t ordinarily die

Today’s middle-class parents have a unique cohort of obsessively loved children. No wonder they’re attractive targets to young men intent on inflicting pain. In America, we are experiencing something unique: For the first time in history, the clear majority of children die after their parents, not before. Before the modern

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Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

The Bookworm Beat 9/19/16 — the “we’re still singing” edition and open thread

The miserable sexism of Hillary’s supporters. I’ve agreed with myself to disagree with Jonah Goldberg about Donald Trump, while still greatly respecting and deeply appreciating Goldberg’s take on just about everything else. In the wake of Hillary’s 9/11 collapse, followed by her dehydration, followed by the media castigating as sexist

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Does Progressivism — and its claim that there’s a “rape culture” — unduly burden boys?

Yesterday, I read (out loud) the worst “rebuttal to a speech” ever. Today, I read something less amusing, but also important:  It’s a disturbing parenting article that places a serious emotional burden on boys — the same boys who today live in an anti-male society. A little background: One of

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The Bookworm Beat (10/21/14) — Still catching up with email edition, and Open Thread

It’s always the same: Over the weekend, because of family demands, I get almost no time at my computer, and my email starts to back up. By Tuesday, between my two email accounts, I have several hundred unread emails. I then do the logical thing: I cravenly avoid my computer.

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