Bookworm Beat 8/19/22 — the “world turned upside down” illustrated edition
Every week, I think, it can’t get crazier than this, and every week it does — and I have the memes to prove it.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Every week, I think, it can’t get crazier than this, and every week it does — and I have the memes to prove it.
Continue readingI’m a day late with this illustrated edition but definitely not a dollar short. You’ll be dazzled by all the political (and other) memes.
Continue readingI think the title of this illustrated edition says it all–in nine months, Biden has turned America into a truly miserable place. And a public service announcement:
Continue readingMs. Book W. Room, writing under the nom de guerre of Andrea Widburg, is employed by the conservative site, American Thinker, to edit submissions to the site and to write several daily posts of her own. Below are her posts on this date. Since commentary to the posts is restricted
Continue readingExpect the opening salvo of proggie House overreach to come over making Trump’s tax returns public. They can’t do it, but it will be fun to watch them try. The progs are obsessed with revealing Trump’s tax returns. It is a fishing expedition reminiscent of a quote by Stalin’s Chief
Continue readingIgnore the Left’s collective scream about the new tax bill — it will confer a benefit on those who are economically in the lower half of American earners. I’m not an economist, but I was blessed with a fair amount of common sense. Despite Democrat hysteria, it’s obvious that “the
Continue readingI’ve examined all of the evidence carefully and it’s true: What Trump has done — from spying on journalists to unconstitutional treaties — is tyrannical. Spurred on by my Facebook friends’ assertions that Trump is a dangerous fascist dictator, one who seeks to control all aspects of American life, I
Continue readingI’ve been going through my emails, with 200 down, 300 or so yet to go. Even though I’m only less than halfway through, I’ve discovered marvelous articles hiding in my email box thanks to friends from all over. Did Merkel unilaterally doom Europe? We no longer subscribe to the great man
Continue readingThis is a verified message from a well-respected CPA and Tax Attorney who undoubtedly has heard too many stories from clients scammed by fraudsters purporting to be IRS agents. Please take this message to heart and pass it on: Remember this. Tell your family. Tell your friends. Too many good, honest, trusting
Continue readingYears ago, during the Bush administration, James Taranto read a despairing AP article in which the Progressive author opined that “everything is seemingly spinning out of control.” Taranto loved that phrase and used it to preface any link to crazy things, or things that made Progressive’s crazy. That phrase keeps wandering
Continue readingBusy day. Very busy day and not a bad one either, because I got a lot accomplished. Just about the only thing I didn’t get done today was spending time at my computer. I’ve got a pile of open tabs left over from yesterday, though, all of which have aged
Continue readingHang on to your hats, because this round-up’s a big one (and quite interesting too, I hope). Reading through my own posts, I have a sense of a world rushing unstoppably towards something catastrophic. I think many feel this way, which is why they’re so terribly aware of the 100th anniversary
Continue readingIt’s quite amazing watching DemProg heads explode on my “real me” Facebook page. To hear them tell it, the Hobby Lobby decision was four white religious men banning women’s right to contraception across America because a mean-spirited Christian corporation demanded that they do so. I’ve been doing my best to
Continue readingIt’s a ridiculously beautiful day here, the kind that screams out “God’s in his Heaven, and all’s right with the world.” It’s therefore quite discordant to read headlines and realize that God may be in his Heaven, but Obama is in the White House, the DemProgs are in charge of
Continue readingI’m just thankful that the washer wasn’t doing a bleach load when it decided to break. And I’m thankful that the clothes were mostly rinsed of detergent (indeed, there was so little detergent in them that they weren’t actually cleaned). And I’m thankful that I was able to wring the
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