Tag: Judicial activism

The Originalism v Living Constitution fight

Constitutional Originalism or the “living Constitution”: Gorsuch’s nomination and a tale of two law profs

The Gorsuch nomination, pitting Originalism against a “living Constitution,” is a fight for America’s soul — so pay attention because this is important! Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination has brought to the fore the seemingly dry argument about two competing theories of Constitutional interpretation, Originalism and the “living Constitution.” Gorsuch himself

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Illustrates post about judges inventing new legal standard for Trump

Judges invent an entirely new, and very illegal, “legal standard” for Donald Trump

When it comes to Donald Trump, Obama-appointed judges are inventing new legal standards unrelated to the Constitution, statutes, cases, or even facts. Progressives are very excited that a federal judge in Kentucky has held that Trump can be sued for inciting violence. Perfectly illustrating this excitement is a WaPo analysis

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Nuclear Families

Bookworm Beat 3/30/17 — tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and individual worth

Looking at this grab-bag post, I can see the common thread: valuing tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and each individual’s worth. I know why Utah’s welfare is working. Megan McArdle wrote a much-talked-about article in which she looked at Utah, which has extremely good and affordable social services. The key to

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Trump 25th Amendment

Progressives’ dangerous plan to use the 25th Amendment against Trump

The Progressives’ current dream — declaring Trump crazy and therefore unfit for office under the 25th Amendment — is a scary replay of a Soviet nightmare. The latest Progressive idea for destroying Donald Trump is rely on the 25th Amendment. That’s the one that authorizing removing a president from office because

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Trump and the judge — and many of you are going to hate me, but I’m going to say it anyway

Donald Trump went into full attack mode against Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over the case against Trump University.  You can find here a video, with transcript, of Trump defending his contention that a “Mexican” judge is a problem for him because of Trump’s outspoken opposition to illegal immigration

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The Bookworm Beat 7-7-15 — the “some things never get old” edition and open thread

None of these links have current dates because they’ve been sitting on my spindle for a while, but each addresses a current issue, and it would be criminal if I didn’t share them with you: Nevada puts education power back in parents’ hands People who oppose the power of the

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If you read one thing today, read Andrew McCarthy’s take on the U.S. Supreme Court

Andrew McCarthy outdid himself on this one, honing in on the giveaway that the Supreme Court is a legislative branch of the Progressives: Yet, for all the non-stop commentary, one detail goes nearly unmentioned — the omission that best explains this week’s Fundamental Transformation trifecta. Did you notice that there was

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