Tag: Kamala Harris

Biden Raises the Gun Control Spectre

If you needed more motivation to get out and vote against progressives, Dementia Joe just provided it.  He’s put “gun control” at issue just as the nation explodes in progressive violence. In March, economist and former university Professor John Lott Jr. took note of the Democrat presidential contenders, in particular

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Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

Bookworm Beat 12/4/19 — Trump, Schiff’s Schpy-gate, and more

I’ve got everything here: Schiffty’s Schpy-gate, Kamala Harris, Fascist Leftism, Churchill’s genius, Iran, Trump’s genius, and a perfidious Smithsonian. Phew! I promised to have something up by 10:00 my time and, despite 8,762 interruptions (or thereabouts), I’m going to make it. I’ve got so much interesting stuff to share with

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Person covering ears to drown out Trumps and Democrat candidates

No. 16 Bookworm Podcast: With Trump, stop listening and start paying attention (BUMPED)

If listening to Trump irks you, stop listening and start focusing on his accomplishments. Next, do the same for the Dem candidates. Then vote for Trump. (If you prefer listening over reading, the companion podcast to this post is embedded below, or you can listen to it at Libsyn or at Apple podcasts.

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Racism White Supremacy

The 1619 Project: Reframing History & Redefining Racism

“White Supremacy” is a progressive canard to keep the race card viable in the absence of actual racism. It paints all whites as inherently racist and promotes the worst of tribalism as a progressive political tool. The New York Times’ 1619 Project seeks to “reframe” American history to mark the

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