Tag: Michael Flynn

Bookworm Beat Woman Writing American Left's Fascism Russia Hoax

Bookworm Beat 12/5/18 — the American Left’s fascism

Taking a hard look at the American Left’s fascism (its silencing speech, antisemitism, and moral depravity), with room for some fun and uplifting news too. The Flynn sentencing memo shows collusion. No, I haven’t gone crazy. Instead, I agree with Joel Pollak, who says the memo highlights that the real

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Trump-Russia Collusion

Helpful Links to Understand the Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative

Recent commentary from Adam Schiff, Andrew McCarthy,  Lee Smith and others illuminates important issues swirling around the Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Rep. Adam Schiff, one of the four Congressional Democrats with the clearance to actually put eyes on all of the top secret documents made available to date by the FBI and

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Russia collusion like a bad spy novel

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Trump: the Russia collusion story needs to end soon

Available facts indicate that the Progressives’ Russia Collusion narrative is fake — and time is running out to investigate the true Clinton/FBI collusion. With questions swirling around the Trump-Russian collusion narrative, we seem to be living in a John le Carré novel.  It is one full of spies where the

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The true tale of the Steele Dossier and the Russia Conspiracy

New facts show that the so-called Russia conspiracy was in fact a product of savvy Russians and credulous, willing, and very dishonest Democrat operatives. This Trump-Russia collusion narrative is looking more and more like an incredibly intelligent mix of publicly available facts wrapped around some damning pieces of knowing slanders

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Privacy Security Memo Steele Dossier Fifth Column Deep State FISA NSA 4th Amendment

Critically important: FISA, the NSA, and the 4th Amendment

With FISA and the NSA in the news, learn why abusing them isn’t arcane procedural stuff but is, instead, critically important to American freedom. Did the Obama administration illegally use its power in multiple ways to access NSA intercepts so that it could gain intelligence on – and kneecap – Trump’s administration?

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CIA part of Fourth Branch

Bookworm Beat 2/20/17 — fighting the self-annointed fourth branch of government

The new phrase is “fourth branch of government,” referring to the Progressive bureaucracy fighting exile. It’s time to fight back. The administrative state is not the fourth branch of government. When I said “interesting times,” I meant it. We all knew that our government had gotten too big and we voted for

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