Tag: Obama

Marin County DACA

On DACA, Marin County public schools take sides in a political fight

With DACA going before Congress, Marin County public schools are abandoning any pretense of political neutrality and are siding with illegal immigration. Public schools are supposed to be non-partisan. All residents pay taxes towards these schools and the theory is that in return for this money, the schools teach reading,

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Hypocrites Hypocrisy Arpaio pardon DACA

Outrageous Leftist hypocrisy about Arpaio’s pardon and DACA

Progressives claim Trump acted “unconstitutionally” with Arpaio’s pardon, while excoriating him for reversing Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program. Back in August, when President Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio, my Leftist friends were outraged. As far as they were concerned, he’d effectively pardoned the KKK’s Grand Kleagle. You can imagine then, how thrilled

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George Orwell 1984 Orwellian

[VIDEO] “Orwellian” government is worse than authoritarian government

Orwellian government is not just repressive government; it is a government that seeks to reprogram your brain by controlling facts and language. With Trump’s election, Progressives have suddenly rediscovered both Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, her turgid 1980s attack on the Moral Majority and George Orwell’s 1984 (Signet Classics), one

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