Tag: White Supremacy

The NYT Libels The Military For Memorial Day

On the heels of Biden’s textbook racist statement, that, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, you ain’t black,” the NYT does damage control by claiming the U.S. military is “celebrating white supremacy.”  It is the single lowest attack from these worthless race hustlers

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Racism White Supremacy

The 1619 Project: Reframing History & Redefining Racism

“White Supremacy” is a progressive canard to keep the race card viable in the absence of actual racism. It paints all whites as inherently racist and promotes the worst of tribalism as a progressive political tool. The New York Times’ 1619 Project seeks to “reframe” American history to mark the

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Trump Supporters Racist Donald Trump Diamond and Silk Nationalist's Delusions

Are Trump supporters racist? The Atlantic says so, but only because it lies

Are Trump supporters racist? By abandoning both facts and logic, That Atlantic claims Trump is a neo-Nazi, so his supporters must be racists too. My Progressive friends have been on fire this holiday weekend, posting all sorts of articles from anti-Trump mainstream media publications. When I wasn’t cooking, eating, or

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Unscientific methodology attempts to refute legitimate challenges to anthropogenic climate change orthodoxy *UPDATED*

I want you to play a little game with me.  Imagine that you’re an archivist, going through Nazi-era German documents. While doing that review, you stumble across the following article, published in a reputable Nazi business magazine: The next time you hear someone dispute that Aryans are the superior race,

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