Category: Religion

The Bookworm Beat 5-7-15 — the “Damn it, I’m a lawyer” edition and open thread

I spent way too much time today wearing my lawyer, daughter, and mother hats, with no time for my blogger hat. Well, the blogging time is now, and I’ve got lots of stuff to share. As is often the case when I’m tired, these are not in any particular order,

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God’s approach to Mary would have passed the UVa sexual assault test *UPDATED*

With feminist inspired neo-puritanism infecting American college campuses, it’s no surprise that at the University of Virginia, where a gang rape did not happen, the administration has put into effect draconian rules prohibiting all non-consensual contact of any kind — including hugging: U.Va. adopted its new “Interim Policy on Sexual

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Muslims aren’t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity

Religion is in the news a lot lately. All around the world, in what I’m sure is just a bizarre coincidence, masses of people who just happen to be Muslim (and proudly say so) are busily decapitating people, shooting people, raping people, burning people, and stoning people — all of

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The Bookworm Beat 2-6-15 — the “Fearless Friday” edition and Open Thread

Obama’s adversarial relationship with Christianity What did we expect already from yesterday’s Prayer Breakfast? Obama long ago put the world on notice that he’s going full Bulworth (i.e., after six years in office, he intends, finally, to stop lying and speak the truth). While before Obama just let out peevish little

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Neo-Paganism is sweeping the First World — and that’s a bad thing *UPDATED*

Over the past few days, in connection with posts about Islam’s innately violent nature (which I see as being different from the fact that Europeans used violence in Christianity’s name), I’ve come up with a little mantra: Europeans, who initially were not that far from paganism, brought the sword to Christianity.

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An amazing Holocaust story plus thoughts about the Big Bang and the human soul

Hitler loved Islam.*  If you didn’t know that he loved Islam, you might think that Hitler, with his race-based obsessions, would have been hostile to a religion primarily centered on a Semitic people.  To Hitler, though, Islam was a manly religion that shared his goals:  the eradication of the Jews coupled with world domination.

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