Tag: Climate change

Trump 25th Amendment

Progressives’ dangerous plan to use the 25th Amendment against Trump

The Progressives’ current dream — declaring Trump crazy and therefore unfit for office under the 25th Amendment — is a scary replay of a Soviet nightmare. The latest Progressive idea for destroying Donald Trump is rely on the 25th Amendment. That’s the one that authorizing removing a president from office because

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Change the politics

Bookworm Beat 12/16/16 — the random politics edition

Thanks to my friends, I have an email box filled with links to fascinating, random politics. In keeping with that random spirit, I present to you this randomly organized post: Principled journalism versus American journalism. Conservatives have been understandably charmed by the meltdown that Kurt Eichenwald, a Newsweak reporter suffered,

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The cornucopia of information readily available on the internet *UPDATED*

One of the things that maddens me about my children is how they refuse to take advantage of the cornucopia of information so readily available on the internet. In my day, I actually had to get out of my chair, go to my Dad’s office, get the encyclopedia off the

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Will the movie “Sully” help kill climate change mania?

Whether or not you’ve seen the movie Sully, you’re probably asking yourself what the heck a movie about the “Miracle on the Hudson” has to do with climate change mania. Good question. Before I answer, though, this post is probably one giant spoiler, so if you haven’t read https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0061924695/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=bookwormroom-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=0061924695&linkId=bc99de85539dae5478f4f7b8fda2d590 or

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Bookworm Beat 11/2/16 — the “Please Save America” edition and open thread

This is it: the countdown to learning whether Obama will have been successful in fundamentally changing America or whether we can still resurrect something from the wreckage. This is an umbrella post with a variety of articles that touch upon the election, America’s culture wars, politics generally, the Middle East,

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Mob Illustrated edition post-election counting

The Bookworm Beat 7/6/16 — The Hillary Moves On edition and open thread

Now that we’re the Banana Republic of America, I think it’s time for the #NeverTrump crowd to have a little “Come To Jesus” talk to determine whether they want Hillary the Untouchable, and her entire Leftist panoply of friends and goals, in the White House, or whether they’re willing to

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Mob Illustrated edition post-election counting

The Bookworm Beat 5/2/16 — the “Hell in a hand basket” edition, round 2, and open thread

I’m back, and still playing beat the clock when I blog, so let me get right down to business: Just one thing about Target’s preexisting open bathroom policy. You may not have known about Target’s long-standing open-access bathroom policy (all gender identities welcome wherever they want), but it appears that

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