Tag: Donald Trump

Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

Bookworm Beat 5/11/2018 — the “living in Trump’s America” edition

It’s an old-fashioned Bookworm Beat with news from all over, much of it heartening, because we’re living in Trump’s America. I’m enjoying living in Trump’s America. Good things are happening — and, with Wolf Howling’s help, I’ve got a collection of good things, interesting things, important things, silly things, and

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Charlotte Bronte Trump Stormy Daniels

Charlotte Brontë would forgive Trump his Stormy Daniels’ sins

Charlotte Brontë would have forgiven Trump his Stormy Daniels’ sins, because she separated an individual’s personal sins from the way they treated others. In the wake of the Anderson Cooper/60 Minutes‘ interview with Stormy Daniels, there’s been something of a war raging (albeit politely) between Dennis Prager and Jonah Goldberg. The

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Passover Charlton Heston as Moses

The news from North Korea reminds is that Passover is always relevant

Trump’s decision to change the paradigm with North Korea illustrates the precept in my annual Passover post: Tyrannies must be decapitated, not placated. Starting with Bill Clinton, America fawned over North Korea’s tyrannical rulers, sending them money and promising not to hurt them. In those same years, North Korea’s rulers

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Second Amendment

Bookworm Beat 3/18/18 — another Second Amendment illustrated edition

If the internet keeps being awash in stuff supporting the Second Amendment, I’ve got to go with it — but there’s lots of other good material here too. Before going on to the next set of posters (the ones about things other than the Second Amendment), here’s a wonderful video.

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Wall Street Bull 2018 campaign

Today’s economic news gives a hook for the 2018 midterm campaign

The economic news out on Friday provides a ready-made slogan for Republicans going into the 2018 midterm campaign this Fall. Trump, keeping yet another one of his campaign promises, has given us an “unexpected” booming economy (except that those of us who believe in low regulation, low taxes, and high optimism were

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