Tag: Donald Trump

Trump House Judiciary Committee John Dean

House Judiciary Committee calls as its first witness . . . John Dean

Jerry Nadler’s House Judiciary Committee opens its hearings with John Dean, disgraced former White House Counsel. Republicans should be thrilled. John Dean is about to testify that Trump’s actions amount to an unlawful obstruction of justice.  Jerry Nadler will invite Dean to explain how everything Trump did per the Mueller

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Unprecedented Obstruction

Will “Unprecedented Obstruction of Congress” Become The New Democrat Meme?

The NYT tests out a new Trump attack . . . and after 8 years of Obama, the NYT discovers “unprecedented obstruction” of Congressional Oversight. The NYT editorial board is in high dudgeon.  Apparently, “Donald Trump Shows a New Level of Contempt for Congress.” Many presidents,” the NYT editors tell

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Leftists conservatives keep your eyes on the ball

When arguing with Leftists, conservatives must keep their eyes on the ball

Leftists have a habit of distracting conservatives with irrelevant arguments that obscure the fact that, on the important issues, conservatives should win. It’s happened to all of us. We approach someone with a legitimate grievance — say, for example, reminding someone that he promised not to drink directly from the

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