Tag: ObamaCare

Victim of March 22 London terrorist attack

Bookworm Beat 3/22/17 — the “let’s pretend that terrorist attacks in London are ordinary” edition

This round-up post opens with the London terrorist attack, but also covers Trump and Obamacare, the Sudan, climate change, media bias, faith, and risky sex. In the wake of the deadly terrorist attack in London, people were remembering last year, when London’s first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, said that terrorism

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Judge Derrick Watson 9th Circuit Refugees ruling Rule of Law

The Bookworm Beat 3/16/17 — the Rule of Law is Dead edition and open thread

While the rule of law is not completely dead, it’s dead enough to justify the title for this quick round up of today’s lawless news. The latest federal opinions would bar President Trump from ever again issuing an executive order. William Jacobson, of Legal Insurrection, has looked beyond the obvious

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Paper on spindle

The Bookworm Beat 3/15/17 — clearing the spindle, part deux, and open thread

I’ve cleared my spindle and the articles I linked are a feast for the hungry mind — the Middle East, climate change, policing, gender, Obamacare, and more. There’s land if the Palestinians want it. Did you know that President al-Sisi in Egypt has offered the Palestinians a state that would

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President Trump's America oath of office

Bookworm Beat 1/26/17 – Life in Trump’s America round-up

You’ll notice that the title of this post — Life in Trump’s America — echoes previous round-ups I did called Life in Obama’s America. Those old posts were dystopian; in this, the new Age of Trump, things are a lot more cheerful when viewed through the prism of patriotism, rationality,

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Bookworm Beat 11/2/16 — the “Please Save America” edition and open thread

This is it: the countdown to learning whether Obama will have been successful in fundamentally changing America or whether we can still resurrect something from the wreckage. This is an umbrella post with a variety of articles that touch upon the election, America’s culture wars, politics generally, the Middle East,

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