Tag: Paul Joseph Watson

Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

Bookworm Beat 5/7/19 — the Vanishing Conservatives on Social Media edition

There are reasons for you to be very afraid of the social media crackdown on conservatives (even fringe ones), plus other scary stuff in today’s world. Democrats prepare for 2020 by silencing conservatives.  If I had to identify the scariest news today, it would be Twitter’s purge of conservatives, which

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Mob Illustrated edition post-election counting

Bookworm Beat 11/12/18 — the post-election counting edition and open thread

It’s not losing seats that bothers me, it’s the fact that post-election counts and recounts invariably favor Democrats, which is banana republic stuff. Post-election recounts and miscounts and discounts and God alone knows what else. I’m not actually going to blog too much about post-election recounts, despite using them as part

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Swedish Ebba Akerlund illustrative of dead children terrorism and the media

[VIDEO] When it comes to the media and dead children, some children are more equal than others

Two British journalists speak bluntly about the fact that our media is forcing us to care more about the enemy’s dead children than about our own. Paul Joseph Watson, who should have a bigger, better, less conspiracy-oriented venue than Alex Jones’ InfoWars, has published his most recent video, this time

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