Category: Presidential elections

Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

Bookworm Beat 10/18/19: Warren’s economic ignorance, Biden’s anger, Trump’s Syria wisdom

Warren proves her economic illiteracy; Biden’s anger is evil, not cute; and Trump was playing 4-D chess with his Syria pullout. (This is a companion post to the No. 25 Bookworm Podcast which I uploaded yesterday. The content is mostly the same, although not identical. It won’t matter much, I think, whether

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Person covering ears to drown out Trumps and Democrat candidates

No. 16 Bookworm Podcast: With Trump, stop listening and start paying attention (BUMPED)

If listening to Trump irks you, stop listening and start focusing on his accomplishments. Next, do the same for the Dem candidates. Then vote for Trump. (If you prefer listening over reading, the companion podcast to this post is embedded below, or you can listen to it at Libsyn or at Apple podcasts.

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1619 Project constitution

Progressive Tribalism & The 1619 Project (Updated)

The 1619 Project – a media driven campaign to view everything about this nation through a dark and myopic racial prism — is pure evil. It is the basest of modern lies, told to stir the basest of emotions, all to separate society and, thereby, to achieve a political end

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Elizabeth Warren Democrats

No. 9 Bookworm Podcast — Elizabeth Warren and Socialism are a bad deal

Not only is she a squirrely character, Elizabeth Warren’s plans are openly socialist — and socialism’s history proves how dangerous this is for Americans. (If you prefer listening to reading, the companion podcast is embedded below, or you can listen to it at Libsyn or at Apple podcasts. I’m trying

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