Category: Presidential elections

Project Veritas’s latest Facebook exposé and Scott Adams’s Slaughtermeter *UPDATED*

Project Veritas’s new exposé by political bias at Facebook reminded me that Scott Adams said a year ago that Big Tech would make a Trump loss a 100% certainty. Last year, Scott Adams created something called the “Slaughtermeter,” which was his mental tally of how badly Trump would be slaughtered

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The NYT Libels The Military For Memorial Day

On the heels of Biden’s textbook racist statement, that, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, you ain’t black,” the NYT does damage control by claiming the U.S. military is “celebrating white supremacy.”  It is the single lowest attack from these worthless race hustlers

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Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in South Carolina

It’s a mistake to think that Biden will walk away with the Democrat primary

Having thought about Super Tuesday’s results, it seems to me those who say Biden is a shoo-in are mistaken. There’s still life in Bernie’s campaign. With Biden’s unexpectedly strong showing after Super Tuesday, establishment Democrats are congratulating themselves that they dodged a bullet. They believe that Bernie’s momentum is dead.

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Bernie Sanders rape fantasy

Bernie’s so-called “rape fantasy” essay will not damage him

If you read Bernie’s 1972 “rape fantasy” essay, you realize he was protesting both violent porn and emotional gender inequality, not promoting rape. At PJ Media, the always-excellent Matt Margolis writes that it’s time to ask “hard questions” about Bernie Sanders’ infamous rape fantasy essay. I’d like to suggest that

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Running for president 1920-2020

This year’s race for president is an eerie repeat of the early days of the 1920 election season

A corrupt politician, a communist, a “government by expert” guy, and a pro-American iconoclast are running for president. This is 1920 all over again. The presidential election in 1920 was a very interesting one. At the end of the day, the race boiled down to a contest between the Republican

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Pelosi Leads the Left to Double Down on Iran

Tomorrow, on January 9, Nancy Pelosi will push through the House a non-binding resolution that would tie the President’s hands from ever attacking Iran – or presumably any Iranian found anywhere in the world, including Iraq – under any condition, without first getting approval from Congress.  The resolution, Pelosi tells

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Bernie Sanders Socialized Medicine Healthcare Single Payer Medicare for All

Bernie’s embrace of gun control endangers American liberty

With Bernie rising in the polls, getting closer to controlling our government, note how he has started to demand dangerous, anti-liberty gun control. The website I Like Bernie, But… seeks to address concerns that voters might have about Bernie Sanders, and to assure them that his plans work, that he’s electable, and

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