Category: Women

[VIDEO] Ayaan Hirsi Ali shames feminists who don’t stand up for Muslim women

It seems to me that an alternative title for this video could be “Moral Relativism Kills.” The West’s feminists freely go around denigrating Western men (especially white Western men) as rapists, sexual chauvinists, workplace pigs, and tyrants, etc. However, when faced with the real tyranny of Islamic and Arab culture

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The Bookworm Beat 3/23/16 — the “catching up” edition and open thread

Bush didn’t, Obama wouldn’t, but the next president should: Call into the Oval Office the leaders of Muslim communities throughout America to say, “Because of the First Amendment, the fact that you and the people in your community practice Islam is irrelevant to us in America. Your faith is your

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The Bookworm Beat 2/19/16 — the “it’s the end of the world as we know it” edition and open thread

There is no sense of normalcy in the world for me when a committed old communist and a reality TV star are the leading contenders in America’s upcoming presidential election. My round-up addresses some of the craziness, as well as lots of other stuff. Debunking Ted Cruz myths.  Like me,

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The Bookworm Beat 5-4-15 — the “technology hates me” edition and open thread

My post caption to the contrary, this post has nothing to do with technology — except that technology explains why I started writing at 10:30, not 8:30. My computer apparently had a sudden yen to pretend that I had a dial-up modem and to start downloading information at speeds that

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Straight talk about Lena Dunham’s “rape” and the indignities of being black in America

Political correctness demands that I agree with Lena Dunham that she was raped and that I agree with blacks, race hustlers, college students, and communists that the race problem in America is a white problem, not a black one.  To hell with political correctness.  I hereby pronounce myself unfettered, and am

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