The Second Amendment special illustrated edition
With Democrats going after the Second Amendment again, I got so many memes they needed their own post.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
With Democrats going after the Second Amendment again, I got so many memes they needed their own post.
Continue readingIt’s almost fascinating how every week in Biden’s America is worse than the one that came before. These memes reflect that fact.
Continue readingWelcome, all, on this date of 22 Oct. On this day: 741 A.D. — One of the pivotal figures in Western history, Charles “the hammer” Martel died on this day. Martel had built an army to consolidate Frankish rule in Gaul (modern France). His most famous engagement came at the
Continue readingThis is the companion podcast to my post about the way Bernie and other Democrats seek to end American liberty by imposing gun control. Just today, I put up a post challenging the gun control that is dear to the hearts of Bernie (the current Democrat candidate of the week)
Continue readingIf you want an exercise in frustration, try getting progressives to listen to facts. They won’t — and this video explains why they’re so afraid of them. One of my constant frustrations in dealing with the Progressives in my world is that they absolutely do not want to hear facts.
Continue readingYesterday, I gave my scattered impressions of the NR cruise First Amendment discussions. Today, given that I didn’t take notes, you’ll get my even more scattered impressions of yesterday’s Second Amendment discussion. Mostly, you’ll get my thoughts based upon what I can remember that they said. James Lileks was once
Continue readingAs always, the revamped Watcher’s Council, which is now WOW! Magazine, a collaborative magazine with posts from Watcher’s Council members and their friends, is worth checking out. If you were to go over there now, you’d find the following recent posts (and Lord alone knows how much time you could
Continue readingWith the debate nearing, it’s time to remind everyone who and what Hillary is. I’ve also thrown in some relevant Black Lives Matter and gun posters. I hope you enjoy all of these. I know that I did.
Continue readingHere it is: Your daily reminder that the revamped website for the Watcher’s Council is a brilliant collaborative online effort called WOW! Magazine. Since I last posted an update, Council members and their friends have uploaded all of these spot-on articles: Gang Rape A Girl, Get A Slap On The
Continue readingIf you’re a Californian concerned about the draconian gun laws that recently went into effect, the time to act is now: San Diego businessman Barry Bahrami has filed papers with the state Attorney General’s office to secure a referenda to repeal the six gun controls in “Gunmageddon.” The new gun controls —
Continue readingOnline polls are, of course, totally unscientific because they don’t measure numbers, just passion. That is, the people who care most about the issue are the ones who bother to show up for an online poll. As for me, I do love it when that passion favors my point of
Continue readingI would say that the Brexit vote left me EUphoric, but that would be wrong. From now on, I’m just phoric. And for added phoria, some great political cartoons and a few just plain silly things:
Continue readingWith the President and every Democrat and Progressive in America loudly hollering that we need to do away with the Second Amendment, I thought it would be a good time to remind you of my book, which is short, cheap, and useful for the intellectual fight against those who want
Continue readingAfter World War II, Pastor Martin Niemöller penned his famous “First they came” poem, detailing the cowardice of the intelligentsia in the lead-up to WWII. It’s time for an updated version of that, one for the jihadists in our midst: First they came for the box cutters and utility blades,
Continue readingI am not exaggerating when I say that I have been in love (in a political way) with Elbert Guillory ever since I first saw him back in mid-2013, when he was still ostensibly a Democrat. That feeling has never changed and, indeed, my deep and abiding respect for his
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