Tag: Planned Parenthood

The Bookworm Beat 10-1-15 — the “clearing the spindle” edition and open thread

My thoughts are with the family and friends of those killed and wounded at Umpqua Community College today. I have only three things to note: Obama immediately demanded gun control; the campus has a “gun free zone” policy; and the shooter started to ask people their religion, but started shooting

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The Bookworm Beat 9-27-2015 — the “things that make you think” edition and open thread

Boehner was merely an effective manager, rather than an effective conservative Andrew Klavan is kind enough to point out that Boehner was in some measure a very effective House Majority Leader: I can’t help but notice that under Boehner — and largely because of Boehner, because Boehner outsmarted President Obama in the

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The ugly “abortion culture” mindset, #PlannedParenthood, and the many lies the Left tells credulous vagina voters

It’s not that I’m completely anti-abortion.  As is the case for the majority of Americans, I recognize that there are circumstances in which abortion may be appropriate.  It’s that I’m completely anti-“abortion culture.” I am opposed to a worldview that is so invested in the mantra that “it’s a woman’s

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The Bookworm Beat 8-10-15 — the “is school starting yet?” edition and open thread

I’m having my own personal dog days of summer: the exchange student arrives today, school starts next week, the older child heads out into the world next month, and the dogs . . . well, the dogs just keep being their wonderful selves. In the meantime, even as my life

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The Bookworm Beat 8-7-15 — the “Obama is a traitor” edition and open thread

I’m trying to see a silver lining in the Iran deal that Obama is shilling so hard (and more on that shilling below). Although I haven’t quite glimpsed the silver, there are certainly some ironies, not the least of which is that Israel is now working openly with Saudi Arabia,

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Found it on Facebook — Planned Parenthood’s attack on Paul Ryan

With the election nearing, the Facebook frenzy is accelerating.  I got this from a Facebook acquaintance: Lots of food for thought, there: Ryan voted to end funding for Planned Parenthood.  Ryan’s vote is completely in line with Romney’s insistence that a broke U.S. government should repeatedly ask itself “Is this

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Now that Obama has put contraception front and center, Progressives attack as insane and dictatorial those who want to raise human sexuality above base animal practices *UPDATED*

This is just the week for me to have sex on my mind.  It’s not my fault, though, because the culture insists on pushing it into the forefront of my brain. Ours is a sex saturated culture.  Progressives like it that way and want it to stay that way.  Conservatives

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I’ve got smart friends and they send me interesting things

It’s a family stuff day, so blogging has been light, and will continue to be so.  Fortunately, I’ve got friends who send me interesting things which I am so happy to pass on to you.  In no particular order: Wolf Howling has written a fascinating, scholarly dissertation examining the adversarial

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