Tag: Senate


The Four C’s Of The Impeachment Sham — Constitution, Corruption, Comity & Coup

The House is considering three articles of Impeachment.  The Constitution is at issue in questions of Obstruction of Justice, Contempt of Congress and the form of the Senate Trial.  Comity and Corruption are at issue as to the Bidens and Abuse of Power.  And is this is an unlawful attempted

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Travis Allen

#TravisAllenWriteIn — California voters should write in Travis Allen for Senator *UPDATED*

With Dems revealing their unfiltered totalitarianism, and no Republicans on the California senate ballot, write in Travis Allen’s name for U.S. Senate. UPDATE: I’ve learned, to my dismay, that California disallows write-ins during the main election. Please go here for a different strategy in California. When Democrats successfully turned California

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The optimist’s take on Harry Reid’s going nuclear — and why I am a pessimist

Harry Reid has just succeeded in doing what Franklin Roosevelt couldn’t do:  he’s going to pack the court.  Yes, Roosevelt was aiming for the Supreme Court, while Reid’s only going after the district and appellate courts, but the reality is that we’re seeing incrementalism.  Today, the lower level courts; tomorrow,

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Devastating critique of Cory Booker from people who are his constituents but are very clear that they’re neither his neighbors nor his fans

I don’t know when I’ve ever seen such a devastating video about a Democrat Senate candidate: It makes for especially fascinating viewing if you pair it with Stella Paul’s rundown of Booker’s lies. If you have any contacts at all in New Jersey, you might want to let them see

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Is Ted Cruz’s promised Obamacare filibuster the equivalent of King Leonidas’s stand at Thermopylae?

Most people, whether Democrat or Republican, agree that Ted Cruz’s planned filibuster in the Senate is doomed. It will do nothing to stop Obamacare’s inexorable path towards implementation. (To understand precisely what the filibuster is about, Ace has a good, short explanation.) Because Ted Cruz is nobody’s fool, I’m guessing

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