Tag: Trigger Warnings

Trigger warnings Hollywood musicals

It’s time for trigger warnings for classic Hollywood musicals

To make classic Hollywood musicals today, you’d need serious trigger warnings to cover everything from gun violence, to misogyny, to rape and kidnapping. I’ve always adore classic Hollywood musicals. However, when talking to a friend about some of Fred Astaire’s best dances, it occurred to me that most Hollywood musicals,

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[VIDEO] American universities continue their crackdown on free speech

Censorship is strong and growing on American campuses.  It’s disguised by words and phrases such as “microaggressions,” “trigger warnings,” and “political correctness,” but it all boils down to the same thing:  Telling people with whom the Left disagrees to “shut up,” but hiding that dictatorial ukase behind Orwellian phrases implying

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The Bookworm Beat 5-7-15 — the “Damn it, I’m a lawyer” edition and open thread

I spent way too much time today wearing my lawyer, daughter, and mother hats, with no time for my blogger hat. Well, the blogging time is now, and I’ve got lots of stuff to share. As is often the case when I’m tired, these are not in any particular order,

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Guest Post: Trigger-warnings mean people must remain victimized forever (by guest blogger Lulu)

As a mental health professional, I find the storms raging at Georgetown and Oberlin University regarding Christina Hoff Sommers’ visit and speech as “triggering” and traumatizing to be beyond bizarre. My objective as a mental health professional is to empower people, to enable them to overcome trauma in order to

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The Bookworm Beat (11/12/14) — The “trigger warning” edition (and Open Thread)

If I’ve written this post correctly, it should trigger discomfort in sensitive Leftists.  “Trigger warnings,” for those of you fortunate enough not to move in circles that use them, are warnings at the beginning of any information presentation, be it fact or fiction, written or oral, aural or visual. They tell

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