Category: Hollywood

Trigger warnings Hollywood musicals

It’s time for trigger warnings for classic Hollywood musicals

To make classic Hollywood musicals today, you’d need serious trigger warnings to cover everything from gun violence, to misogyny, to rape and kidnapping. I’ve always adore classic Hollywood musicals. However, when talking to a friend about some of Fred Astaire’s best dances, it occurred to me that most Hollywood musicals,

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The Closet Conservative Critic Offers His Oscar Predictions

Oscar Predictions – 2016 movies By The Closet Conservative Critic (Brief recap of who the Closet Conservative Critic is….C.C.C. is a 50-something “person of interest” who occasional writes on the Bookworm Blog, under the guise of the “Closet Conservative Critic”, reviewing Hollywood movies, and giving opinions with the perspective of

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Joy Villa

Joy Villa: What happens when minorities stray off the Left’s reservation

Milo (whom I’m admiring more every day, because behind the theatricality he’s right on the money) put together a video, not just about Joy Villa’s spectacular Make America Great Again Grammy’s dress, but about the appalling racial abuse heaped upon her for straying off the reservation. The video is short and

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