Category: Political correctness

The Bookworm Beat 12-12-15 — the “hopeful pessimist” open thread

[This is a long one, good for a cozy read on a winter day.] I’m a pessimist. I’ve learned through experience that most things go wrong, whether in the world or in my life. Still, I never completely lose hope. If I didn’t have hope, frankly, I would stop moving

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The coming perfect storm on American college campuses — one that feminists and other professional victims will hate

Several bizarre trends are burgeoning on American college campuses, all of which have the potential to backfire in spectacular form against the hardcore Leftists who are promulgating these ideas.  This post focuses on three of the worst ideas in modern academia: (1) The next generation of political correctness, which classifies

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The Bookworm Beat 8-7-15 — the “Obama is a traitor” edition and open thread

I’m trying to see a silver lining in the Iran deal that Obama is shilling so hard (and more on that shilling below). Although I haven’t quite glimpsed the silver, there are certainly some ironies, not the least of which is that Israel is now working openly with Saudi Arabia,

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The Bookworm Beat 7-7-15 — the “some things never get old” edition and open thread

None of these links have current dates because they’ve been sitting on my spindle for a while, but each addresses a current issue, and it would be criminal if I didn’t share them with you: Nevada puts education power back in parents’ hands People who oppose the power of the

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The Bookworm Beat 5-14-15 — “Just another busy day” edition and Open Thread

Another day where life got in the way of blogging. Hope these interesting articles compensate for the long silence. What’s she got to complain about? It’s already old news that Michelle Obama — Princeton and Harvard grad, highly paid (but still useless) lawyer; and jet-setting President’s wife — thinks herself

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Guest Post: Trigger-warnings mean people must remain victimized forever (by guest blogger Lulu)

As a mental health professional, I find the storms raging at Georgetown and Oberlin University regarding Christina Hoff Sommers’ visit and speech as “triggering” and traumatizing to be beyond bizarre. My objective as a mental health professional is to empower people, to enable them to overcome trauma in order to

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When it comes to campus fascism, revolutions always eat their own

One of the truisms I grew up hearing is that “revolutions always eat their own.” I have understood this to mean that, in any revolutionary movement, the second generation, having been marinated longer in the revolutionary brine, is more extreme than the first generation and invariably purges that first generation.

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When it comes to Islam and politics, Leftist stupidity unfortunately has the bully pulpit

One of the things that’s frustrating for conservatives is to see that stupidity is ascendant in our culture. And by stupidity I mean something very specific, which is that Leftists routinely use incoherence, ignorance and a complete lack of logic to challenge purely factual statements (or obviously humorous ones), and

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Educating the masses: While a small percentage of Muslims are terrorists, almost all terrorists are Muslims

In today’s world, only a fraction (about 10%) of Muslims are or want to be terrorists.  However — and this is the important point — the vast majority of terrorist acts are committed by those identifying themselves as Muslims. Believe it or not, though, but there’s an even greater threat to Americans today than

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