Tag: Socialism

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, OcasioCortezChildrensBooks

‪#OcasioCortezChildrensBooks‬ — These tweets are hilarious

With the hashtag #OcasioCortezChildrensBooks trending, conservatives and other sane people are brilliantly funny on Twitter. I’ve grabbed some of the best. #OcasioCortezChildrensBooks The Terrible,Horrible No Good, Very Bad Congresswoman. — Karen Simmons. (@kygirl270) March 3, 2019 #OcasioCortezChildrensBooks The Terrible,Horrible No Good, Very Bad Congresswoman. — Karen Simmons. (@kygirl270) March 3,

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Anti-Semitism Democrat Party

Anti-Semitism in the Democrat party: how we got here *UPDATED*

Anti-Semitism in the Democrat party represents a pragmatic confluence of socialism, African-American anti-Semitism, and Islamic anti-Semitism. My sister, who is fairly apolitical, asked me why the Democrat Party is becoming openly anti-Semitic. I’ll give you the same primer I gave her: Antisemitism is baked into the socialist cake because (a)

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Immigration Kavanaugh Disgusting Democrats

Bookworm Beat 9/18/2018 — the Kavanaugh fraud edition and open thread

Leftist responses to Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh indicate pretty strongly that they know they’re fraudulent, plus much more on current topics. On the Kavanaugh accusations, the Left’s line is “don’t ask so we won’t have to tell.” Actually, that’s not quite what Clown News Network reporter Chris Cillizza said. When

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