Bookworm Beat 4/30/22 — the Elon Musk and more illustrated edition Part 2/3
I got so many good memes, they wouldn’t all fit into one post. This is part 2 of 3, focusing on government, gender, Ukraine, COVID, and the FBI.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
I got so many good memes, they wouldn’t all fit into one post. This is part 2 of 3, focusing on government, gender, Ukraine, COVID, and the FBI.
Continue readingThe bad news is that Democrats are in power. The good news is that they are so awful, Americans are waking up. Plus, good memes. If you’ve lasted this far, I have some news. First, I think I finally got a tech person who made a difference. Loading this illustrated
Continue readingBad times, as I always say, make for good memes — and I’ve got so many I can’t wait until Friday.
Continue readingIn a remarkable moment of prescience, The Simpsons predicted one of April’s major news stories. I stopped watching The Simpsons at least a decade ago. It just wasn’t funny anymore and the leftwing policies were beginning to grate. My Little Bookworm (although now she’s taller than I am, out of
Continue readingSeeming disparate threads, including the madness at Disney, when bound together, reveal that America is experiencing a most peculiar class struggle. (This post looks long but it isn’t as long as it looks because it has a lot of Twitter material that uses up a great deal of vertical space.)
Continue readingOnce again, the issue of what our institutions are doing to America’s children was the top item, but there’s a lot more to see here, too. It’s okay to laugh because it seems that the dachshund was okay:
Continue readingIf I had to pick the main topic for the week, it was the left’s gender madness, which may (thankfully) be a bridge too far for America.
Continue readingGina Carano has been falsely accused of anti-Semitism by her employer, Lucasfilm. She needs to sue the corporation until everyone involved in the decision to fire her is fired and until she is remunerated for the permanent damage to her career. Gina Carano was a former MMA fighter, a Trump-supporting
Continue readingI’m slowly feeling my way to arguing that Hollywood’s actively corrupt culture causes structural brain damage that leads to bizarre behavior and politics. Be warned. This is not so much a post as it my working through my feeling that “there’s something here,” but I’m not quite sure what it
Continue readingRoseanne has learned the hard way that racial insults (or even racial allusions) are forgiven only when white Leftists make them about black conservatives. You may have heard that ABC, a Disney subsidiary, cancelled Roseanne’s megahit reboot of her old show. The reason given was that Roseanne sent out a
Continue readingBelieve it or not, there is a connection between Mother Gothel in Disney’s Rapunzel and the fact that, in America, cops are the good guys. One of my little Bookworms adores Tangled, Disney’s 2010 take on the story of Rapunzel. I get why. It’s a visual delight with charming songs.
Continue readingDisney’s/Pixar’s newest movie, Coco, is great for all ages and all cultures. It’s moving, beautiful, musical, funny, and wonderfully non-political. Coco Movie Review by Closet Conservative “One of the best Pixar movies – EVER” Pixar’s team has done it again: They have upped their own very high bar in producing
Continue readingI recently wrote posts about both Disney Princesses (and their dresses) and about Tesla and other electric cars. These are a few fun updates to those posts. I wrote two posts in the past few days that have already been overtaken by events. The first post was about my disdain
Continue readingJust when 60 Minutes did a report on Americans hurt by H-1B visas, I had a very frustrating customer experience with workers brought in under H-1B visas. Two nights ago, 60 Minutes ran an episode about the H-1B visas that allow companies to fire long-time technical workers and replace them with cheap
Continue reading[And timing is everything. The day after I wrote an encomium to Milo, who speaks forcefully about (among other things) gender dysphoria and the danger to children in bathrooms, PJ Media claims he supports gay pedophilia — or, at least, being a provocateur, provocatively says things he implies he does.
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