The climatista attack on farmers is part of a long history
The European climate-based efforts to shut down farmers fit comfortably with 20th-century leftist history.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
The European climate-based efforts to shut down farmers fit comfortably with 20th-century leftist history.
Continue readingAfter reading about another brawl in another airport, it occurred to me that leftism has harmed more blacks than any other aspect of American history. When American blacks were weighed down by the horrors and indignities of both slavery and Jim Crow, they responded by striving to be better than
Continue readingA random worksheet in an 8th-grade public school classroom highlights the non-stop leftist indoctrination our children receive in school. A friend of mine found himself in a public school 8th-grade classroom. The students had been doing a project that called upon them to identify what constitutes a hero. To help
Continue readingA glance at a the home page for Marin County’s main newspaper provides a snapshot into the leftist brain. Although I no longer live in Marin County, I still check the local news. It’s not unusual for me to see familiar people named in stories and I always recognize the
Continue readingDemocrats are pouring their money into defeating Lindsey Graham. Please donate to him if you can and, if you’re in S.C., vote for Graham. To be honest, before 2018, I never thought much of South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham. He was just another middle-of-the-road Republican with too many RINO tendencies and
Continue readingThe Wuhan virus has sped up existing processes, such as hastening inevitable deaths, changing the business world, and exposing the left. You’ve probably read that 94% of Wuhan virus deaths happened to people who already had compromised health, whether from extreme age or diseases that were already putting stress on
Continue readingThe riots in Minneapolis were inevitable for Leftist policies against racism and income inequality lead to racism, income inequality, and police brutality. Tom Wolfe famously said, “The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.” Aside from being as true now
Continue readingDon’t get dragged down by all the coronavirus drama. Things in America aren’t, and won’t be, that bad, and things in the world may end up much better. Dear Ms. Bookworm: My husband is going around saying that “we’re all going to die.” It’s very depressing being in the house
Continue readingA Bookworm Podcast looking at Elizabeth Warren’s hubris, the decline of Modern Art, Project Veritas videos, radical LGBTQ and the church, plus more. My latest podcast is up and running. You can listen to it through the audio embed below, or at LibSyn, or through Apple Podcasts. I’ll be publishing a
Continue readingThough slavery was awful, for today’s American blacks what would have been even worse was an absence of the slavery that brought them to these shores. (If you prefer listening over reading, the companion podcast to this post is embedded below, or you can listen to it at Libsyn or at Apple
Continue readingTrump is the avatar of an American reformation, for he is destroying the dangerous Leftist edifice that has turned our constitutional government into a god. A few quotations to begin. The first is from Charles Lipson, writing about Mueller’s sinking reputation (and I guarantee that my ellipses are honest): Republicans
Continue readingThe collapse in Venezuela, rather than bringing enlightenment to America’s Leftists, instead sees them double-down on their delusions about socialism. This post is what Instapundit refers to as a “shot” and “chaser” scenario. Here’s the shot (hyperlinks omitted): In Venezuela, there’s a new front — the equivalent of an EMP
Continue readingAnti-Semitism in the Democrat party represents a pragmatic confluence of socialism, African-American anti-Semitism, and Islamic anti-Semitism. My sister, who is fairly apolitical, asked me why the Democrat Party is becoming openly anti-Semitic. I’ll give you the same primer I gave her: Antisemitism is baked into the socialist cake because (a)
Continue readingFoul-mouthed, antisemitic Rashida Tlaib is the avatar of an incoming class of Leftist congresswomen that needs to be taken seriously in the realm of ideas. Rashida Tlaib, the Palestinian-identifying woman who got herself elected to the American House of Representatives, gained instant notoriety when she excitedly announced that her single
Continue readingLeftism is just another faith, but it’s more cruel than the Judeo-Christian tradition as its creed does not recognize remorse, repentance, and redemption. This is a rather discursive post, but there are a lot of ideas and facts I want to tie together to explain why I argue that Leftism
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