Tag: Muslim violence

Obama’s oval address, sadly, contains no surprises

One doesn’t have to be psychic to predict what Obama will say. It’s always the same old Leftist pabulum. Although finally forced to acknowledge that the San Bernardino attack was terrorism, he worked desperately hard to stick to that old “lone wolf” narrative. (I won’t repeat my take on the

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To the extent that there is increasing anti-Muslim feeling in America, I blame Obama and the Democrats

Although we’re hearing a lot from Muslims claiming to be worried about potential anti-Muslim feeling in America, the reality is that their worries are inchoate fears that aren’t grounded in real life experiences.  Indeed, John Hinderaker points out that despite fourteen years of Muslim-related fears, the vast majority of Americans have managed

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The Bookworm Beat 11-29-15 — the “tidy office-tidy mind” edition

Inspired by Marie Kondo’s advice that true organization begins with throwing out everything that is neither useful nor sentimental, I am continuing to plow through every nook and cranny in my house. This is the first organization system that’s made sense to me, which is why I haven’t already given

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Stuck on Stupid: Progressive Facebook edition (Part 2)

It’s not a very deep dive to plumb the depths of Leftist intellectual positions on most issues, but it’s still a worthwhile exercise to expose the fallacies that they use to try to dominate the debate on pressing issues — with the most pressing issue being whether to admit Syrian

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John Oliver’s potty mouth ravings reveal what’s wrong with the Left’s approach to Islamic jihad

John Kerry is a rather frustrating Secretary of State, not just because he’s uniformly awful, but because he’s so stupid there’s nothing left to parody. The guy parodies himself. Take, for example, his deep and profound statement following last Friday’s Islamic massacre in Paris. It is a tour de force

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The Left’s inordinate fear of speaking Islam’s name #Paris

Immediately after radical Islamists slaughtered at least 128 people in cold blood, and wounded more than double that number, my Facebook feed lit up with posts and posters expressing solidarity with the people of Paris.  I’m posting here a sampling of the images included in the posts.  As you scroll

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Brief thoughts about today’s news #Paris #Islam #Mizzou #terror #Yale

Before I begin, I want to extend my sincerest condolences to the French people. This Mumbai-style attack is terrible and cruel. Having said that, I feel obligated to point out that France, which has expended a great deal of energy trying to appease the Muslim crocodile (including trying to undermine

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It’s okay to be judgmental — as long as you’re making the right judgments

“You’re so judgmental, Mom,” my teen told me yesterday.  The reason for this statement (and he totally missed the irony of his judging me for being too judgmental) was the distaste I expressed for Mark Zuckerberg. I didn’t defend myself against my teen’s charge. “You’re damn right I’m judgmental.  Zuckerberg deserves

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The Bookworm Beat 10-29-15 — the spindle overload edition and open thread

So much to share with you (23 separate articles at last count) and so little time. I’ll therefore get right down to business and you might want to give yourself some time to review all these fascinating articles at your leisure: Another pundit figures out Cruz might be the man

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[VIDEO] An almost perfect video about media bias against Israel

The only problem with this otherwise excellent video is that it is aimed at those who already know what’s really happening — i.e., a knife intifada that sees Palestinians stabbing to death as many Israelis as possible, combined with a world media that assiduously focuses on Palestinian deaths with no regard

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The Bookworm Beat 9-27-2015 — the “things that make you think” edition and open thread

Boehner was merely an effective manager, rather than an effective conservative Andrew Klavan is kind enough to point out that Boehner was in some measure a very effective House Majority Leader: I can’t help but notice that under Boehner — and largely because of Boehner, because Boehner outsmarted President Obama in the

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