Tag: Sexual Assault

Rape Pulp Magazine covers

Rape Accusations, Leftists, Blurred Lines, and poor Brett Kavanaugh

Once Orwellian Leftists got their hands on it, “rape” as traditionally understood became a malleable concept to be used to destroy political enemies. Item: Former Vice President Joe “Creepy Touch” Biden, when announcing that the Obama White House was creating a task force to address campus rape, stated “One in

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Judge Roy Moore

Once again, a hypocrisy check, this time about Judge Roy Moore *UPDATED*

The difference between Roy Moore’s situation and the Hollywood story, the unreliable accuser, and the WaPo’s manifest bias, means I currently believe Moore. Sorry for the long silence, but it’s been an all family, all the time few days, interspersed with a quick-turnaround legal research project. I’ve been a bit

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woman crying rape culture campus sexual assault

The illogical hysteria behind claims about campus sexual assault

Talking to young college women about campus sexual assault means encountering either ignorance or hysteria — which bodes ill for both men and women. I delivered one of my Little Bookworms (henceforth “LB”) to the Obscenely Expensive Liberal Arts College (“OELAC”) the LB attends. Frankly, I could see why LB

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Nuclear Families

Bookworm Beat 3/30/17 — tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and individual worth

Looking at this grab-bag post, I can see the common thread: valuing tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and each individual’s worth. I know why Utah’s welfare is working. Megan McArdle wrote a much-talked-about article in which she looked at Utah, which has extremely good and affordable social services. The key to

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The Bookworm Beat (9/26/14) — Friday wrap-up edition and Open Thread

My sister summed me up in a sentence: “For an incredibly neurotic person, you’re very normal and easygoing.” I know what she means. All my neuroses are turned inwards. They drive me crazy, but they don’t interfere with anyone outside of my brain. If you meet me, I’m friendly, good-humored,

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