Tag: Gender Identity


Thoughts about the Catholic School’s lawsuit against LGBT laws

A cursory review of 1st Amendment law hints that a Catholic school can win its challenge against South Euclid’s overly broad statute regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. PJ Media reported yesterday that a small Catholic school in Ohio, one that revolves around traditional Catholic doctrine, including viewing marriage as

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Macalester College Magazine

Macalester College boasts when it should be embarrassed

Since all my friends are college alums, and all their children are college attendees, their houses are littered with college promotional material. That’s how I got my hands on a magazine called Macalester Today, in which Macalester College boasts about things that, in a normal world, would deeply embarrass it. Macalester, incidentally,

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The Bookworm Beat 10/21/16 — the “politics as usual” edition and open thread

The American media suddenly discovers antisemitism in America. You know it’s not a coincidence when several mainstream media outlets that every non-conservative Jew reads suddenly announce that Donald Trump’s supporters are crazed antisemites. These are, of course, the same media outlets that have been silent for years about the antisemitism at

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